Calculate the total surface area of the cuboid of dimensions 6cm by 5cm by 7.5cm

SA = 2(6)(5) + 2(6)(7.5) + 2(5)(7.5) = .... cm^2


Calculate the total surface area of the cuboid of dimension 6cm by 5cm by 7.5

To calculate the total surface area of the cuboid, we need to find the area of each face and add them up.

The cuboid has six faces:
- Two faces with dimensions 6cm by 5cm
- Two faces with dimensions 6cm by 7.5cm
- Two faces with dimensions 5cm by 7.5cm

The area of each face is given by length x width.

Area of first face = 6cm x 5cm = 30cm²
Area of second face = 6cm x 5cm = 30cm²
Area of third face = 6cm x 7.5cm = 45cm²
Area of fourth face = 6cm x 7.5cm = 45cm²
Area of fifth face = 5cm x 7.5cm = 37.5cm²
Area of sixth face = 5cm x 7.5cm = 37.5cm²

Total surface area = Area of all six faces
= 30cm² + 30cm² + 45cm² + 45cm² + 37.5cm² + 37.5cm²
= 225cm²

Therefore, the total surface area of the cuboid is 225cm².

Well, to calculate the total surface area of a cuboid, you have to add up the areas of all the sides. So, let's get started!

The first side has dimensions of 6cm by 5cm, so the area is 6 * 5 = 30cm².

The second side has dimensions of 6cm by 5cm as well, so the area is 6 * 5 = 30cm².

The third side has dimensions of 5cm by 7.5cm, so the area is 5 * 7.5 = 37.5cm².

The fourth side has the same dimensions as the third side, so the area is also 37.5cm².

The fifth side has dimensions of 6cm by 7.5cm, so the area is 6 * 7.5 = 45cm².

The sixth side has the same dimensions as the fifth side, so the area is also 45cm².

Now, all you have to do is add up all these areas:

30 + 30 + 37.5 + 37.5 + 45 + 45 = 225cm².

So the total surface area of the cuboid is 225cm².

To calculate the total surface area of a cuboid, you need to find the sum of the areas of all its six faces.

The six faces of a cuboid can be divided into three pairs of equal faces:
1. The top and bottom faces are equal, each having dimensions of length × width.
2. The two side faces are equal, each having dimensions of length × height.
3. The two front and back faces are equal, each having dimensions of width × height.

Let's calculate the surface area of each pair and add them together to find the total surface area.

1. The area of the top and bottom faces:
Since the dimensions of the cuboid are 6 cm by 5 cm, the area of each of these faces is 6 cm × 5 cm = 30 cm². Since there are two identical faces, the total area for both is 2 × 30 cm² = 60 cm².

2. The area of the two side faces:
Since the dimensions of the cuboid are 6 cm by 7.5 cm, the area of each of these faces is 6 cm × 7.5 cm = 45 cm². Since there are two identical faces, the total area for both is 2 × 45 cm² = 90 cm².

3. The area of the two front and back faces:
Since the dimensions of the cuboid are 5 cm by 7.5 cm, the area of each of these faces is 5 cm × 7.5 cm = 37.5 cm². Since there are two identical faces, the total area for both is 2 × 37.5 cm² = 75 cm².

Finally, add up the areas of all the faces:
60 cm² (top and bottom) + 90 cm² (side) + 75 cm² (front and back) = 225 cm².

Therefore, the total surface area of the cuboid is 225 cm².