Give brief description your local newspaper of recent 2019 2021example of how problems has displayed itself your community town

What problems? We have no idea what happens in your newspaper/town.

Gender based violence in local community or town

As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time data or specific examples from a local newspaper. However, I can guide you on how to find such examples on your own. Here's a step-by-step process to locate recent news articles about problems in your community town from 2019 to 2021:

1. Start by identifying the local newspaper(s) in your town. If you're unsure, you can search online or ask someone familiar with the area.

2. Visit the website of the local newspaper or newspapers.

3. Look for a search bar or a "News" section on their website. It may vary depending on the newspaper, but usually, there is a way to access their archived articles or search for specific topics.

4. Enter relevant keywords related to the problems you want to learn about. For example, if you're interested in issues like traffic congestion, crime rates, environmental concerns, or any other specific problem, enter those keywords in the search bar.

5. Adjust the search filters to narrow down the results to a specific time frame, such as filtering the search results from 2019 to 2021. Some websites have options to filter by date, while others may require you to sort the articles by publication date.

6. Explore the search results and click on the article titles that seem relevant to your search. Read the articles to gather information about the problems or challenges faced by your community during that time period.

Remember, the availability and usability of online resources may vary depending on the local newspaper you are searching for, but these steps should generally help you find recent examples of problems in your community town.