Which property is illustrated by 3 + 0 =3

Shut up

The property illustrated by 3 + 0 = 3 is the additive identity property.

The property illustrated by 3 + 0 = 3 is known as the identity property of addition.

To understand why this equation represents the identity property of addition, let's break it down:

- The number 3 represents the addend, which is the number being added.
- The plus sign (+) indicates that the operation being performed is addition.
- The number 0 is known as the identity element for addition since when it is added to any number, it does not change the value of that number.
- Finally, the result of the addition operation is 3, which is the sum of the addends.

In summary, the identity property of addition states that when you add 0 to any number, the result is always that same number. In this case, adding 0 to 3 gives us 3, which clearly illustrates this property.

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