Barry has twice as many postcards as his sister June. June gave him 16 postcards. Now Barry has 88 more postcards than June. How many postcards do both of them have altogether?

Let's represent the number of postcards June has as "x".

Since Barry has twice as many postcards as June, Barry would have 2x postcards.

After June gave him 16 postcards, Barry would have 2x + 16 postcards.

And we know that Barry now has 88 more postcards than June, so we can set up the equation:

2x + 16 = x + 88

By subtracting x from both sides of the equation, we get:

x + 16 = 88

Now we can subtract 16 from both sides of the equation:

x = 72

Therefore, June has 72 postcards.

And since Barry has twice as many postcards as June, he has 2 * 72 = 144 postcards.

To find the total number of postcards they have altogether, we can add June's and Barry's postcards together:

72 + 144 = 216

So, June and Barry have a total of 216 postcards altogether.