During a scuba dive, Lainey descended to a point 21 feet below the ocean surface. She continued her descent at a rate of 21 feet per minute. Enter an inequality you could solve to find the number of minutes she can continue to descend if she does not want to reach a point more than 91 feet below the ocean surface. Use t to represent the variable for the minutes Lainey can continue to descend.

-21 - 21t > -91

oops ... ≥ -91

To find the number of minutes Lainey can continue to descend without reaching more than 91 feet below the ocean surface, we can set up an inequality.

Let t represent the number of minutes Lainey can continue to descend.

Since Lainey descends at a rate of 21 feet per minute, the distance she descends can be represented as 21t.

To ensure Lainey does not reach more than 91 feet below the ocean surface, we can set up the inequality:

21t ≤ 91

This inequality states that the distance Lainey descends (21t) should be less than or equal to 91 feet.

Now, we can solve the inequality to find the possible values of t.