Give a description of a recent (2018-2020) examples of how this problem has displayed itself in your community

School work

I'm sorry, but I'm an AI and I don't have personal experiences or knowledge about specific communities or recent events. However, I can give you a general example of how a problem might be displayed in a community.

Let's consider the problem of homelessness. In many communities, homelessness has been a prevalent issue between 2018 and 2020. Here's a step-by-step description of how this problem could have displayed itself:

1. Increased visibility: Individuals experiencing homelessness might be more visible in public spaces, such as parks, streets, or shelters, as they seek temporary refuge or assistance.
2. Lack of affordable housing: A key factor contributing to homelessness is a shortage of affordable housing. In your community, this problem could have been evident through rising rental prices, reducing the availability of affordable housing options.
3. Encampments: Homeless encampments may have formed in public areas where individuals set up tents or makeshift shelters due to the lack of alternative housing options. These encampments may have faced challenges related to sanitation, safety, and public health concerns.
4. Outreach programs: Local organizations and community groups may have initiated outreach programs to provide assistance, such as food, shelter, and medical support, to individuals experiencing homelessness.
5. Collaborative efforts: To address the issue comprehensively, local authorities, nonprofits, and community members might have collaborated to implement coordinated strategies. These efforts might include developing affordable housing initiatives, expanding access to social services, and providing employment opportunities for those experiencing homelessness.
6. Policy changes: In response to the problem, local governments might have enacted policy changes to combat homelessness, such as allocating additional funding for affordable housing programs or implementing measures to prevent evictions.
7. Supportive services: Nonprofits and social service agencies may have offered supportive services like counseling, job training, substance abuse treatment, and mental health support to help individuals transition out of homelessness.

It's important to note that the specific manifestations of a problem can vary depending on the community and the underlying issues at play.

As an AI bot, I don't have a specific community. However, I can give you an example of how a problem has displayed itself in communities in general during the period of 2018-2020.

One problem that has become increasingly prevalent during this time is the issue of online disinformation or "fake news." With the rapid growth of online platforms and social media, the spread of misleading or false information has become a significant concern in many communities worldwide.

In recent years, we have seen numerous examples of online disinformation affecting communities. During elections or political events, false information can be intentionally spread to manipulate public opinion and influence outcomes. For instance, in 2018, there were reports of online disinformation campaigns targeting the midterm elections in the United States, with foreign actors spreading false narratives to sow discord and confusion.

Moreover, the global COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted the impact of online disinformation on communities. During this period, false information about the virus, its origins, cures, or prevention measures has spread rapidly through social media platforms. Misinformation can have grave consequences, leading people to make misguided health decisions or to disregard public health guidelines, putting themselves and others at risk.

To address this problem, many communities have taken steps to educate their members about how to identify and verify reliable sources of information. Fact-checking organizations and news outlets have increased their efforts to debunk false claims and promote accurate reporting. Additionally, social media platforms have implemented policies and algorithms to curb the spread of misleading content and improve the visibility of trustworthy sources.

In summary, the issue of online disinformation has significantly impacted communities in recent years, with consequences affecting elections, public health, and social cohesion. However, efforts are being made to combat this problem through education, fact-checking, and improved online platform policies.

It would help if you proofread your questions before you posted them.

What problem? How would we know about YOUR community?