A medical provider is doing a study to determine the average time spent waiting before an appointment. The current average wait time is 33 minutes, which is 10% longer than the average was when the study started. What was the average wait time then?

1.1x = 33

solve for x

To determine the average wait time before the study started, we need to find the value that is 10% shorter than the current average wait time of 33 minutes.

Step 1: Calculate 10% of the current average wait time.
10% of 33 minutes = (10/100) * 33 = 3.3 minutes

Step 2: Subtract the result from the current average wait time to find the average wait time before the study started.
33 minutes - 3.3 minutes = 29.7 minutes

Therefore, the average wait time before the study started was approximately 29.7 minutes.

To determine the average wait time when the study started, we can use the information given. We know that the current average wait time is 33 minutes, and it is 10% longer than the average was when the study started.

Let's assume the average wait time when the study started was denoted by "x" minutes.

According to the information given, the current average wait time is 10% longer than the average at the study's start. Mathematically, we can express this as:

33 minutes = x minutes + (10% of x)

To solve this equation, we first need to convert 10% to a decimal, which is 0.1. Now we can rewrite the equation:

33 = x + (0.1 * x)

Simplifying further:

33 = x + 0.1x
33 = 1.1x

To isolate x, the variable representing the average wait time at the study's start, we divide both sides of the equation by 1.1:

33/1.1 = x


30 = x

Therefore, the average wait time when the study started was 30 minutes.