what will be the local time in nigeria(long 15 degree east) when it is 5pm in ethopia (long 45 degree east)

To determine the local time in Nigeria (longitude 15 degrees east) when it's 5 PM in Ethiopia (longitude 45 degrees east), we need to calculate the time difference between the two longitudes.

The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, each representing 15 degrees of longitude. The standard time of each time zone is based on the mean solar time at the central meridian of that zone. Moving east, each subsequent time zone is one hour ahead of the previous zone, and moving west, it is one hour behind.

The time difference between Nigeria (15 degrees east) and Ethiopia (45 degrees east) is calculated as follows:

45 degrees east - 15 degrees east = 30 degrees

Since each time zone represents 15 degrees of longitude, a difference of 30 degrees means a time difference of 2 hours. Ethiopia is ahead of Nigeria by 2 hours.

If it is 5 PM in Ethiopia, we can now calculate the local time in Nigeria:

5 PM + 2 hours = 7 PM

Therefore, the local time in Nigeria (longitude 15 degrees east) when it is 5 PM in Ethiopia (longitude 45 degrees east) will be 7 PM.