What are the conflicting motives that Carmody is struggling with when delivering speech 29 in the excerpt?

To determine the conflicting motives that Carmody is struggling with when delivering Speech 29 in the excerpt, we need to access and analyze the text directly. Since I don't have access to specific excerpts or texts, I'll provide you with a general framework on how to explore and identify conflicting motives in a character's speech or actions.

1. Read the excerpt: Start by reading the excerpt carefully, paying close attention to Carmody's words, tone, and any relevant context provided.

2. Identify the main points of the speech: Determine what Carmody is advocating or arguing for in the speech. Look for key themes, ideas, or goals he expresses.

3. Analyze the character's objectives: Consider what Carmody hopes to achieve through his speech. Is he trying to persuade others, gain support or approval, defend a particular viewpoint, or hide his true intentions?

4. Identify conflicting desires: Look for instances where Carmody's motives may conflict. This conflict can arise from his personal beliefs, external pressures, competing interests, or hidden agendas. Pay attention to any inconsistencies, contradictory statements, or indications that he may be torn between different goals.

5. Consider the character's internal struggle: Reflect on Carmody's internal thoughts and emotions during the speech. Does he exhibit signs of internal conflict, uncertainty, or inner turmoil? These can provide valuable insights into his opposing motives.

6. Analyze actions and decisions: Evaluate the actions or decisions made by Carmody before, during, or after his speech. Assess whether these actions align with his intended message or if they reveal any conflicting motives.

By closely analyzing the text with these steps in mind, you should be able to identify the conflicting motives that Carmody is struggling with when delivering Speech 29 in the excerpt.