what are the answers for week 30 cross word??? Hurry!

I'm sorry, but as an AI, I do not have access to specific crossword puzzle answers for Week 30 or any other specific puzzle. However, I can help you with some general tips on how to find the answers to crossword puzzles:

1. Start with the clues: Carefully read and analyze each clue for hints. Clues may provide context clues, synonyms, or wordplay to steer you towards the answer.

2. Fill in the easy answers first: Begin with clues that you are confident about. By filling in these boxes, you may uncover additional letters that will help you solve other clues.

3. Utilize cross-referencing: Crossword puzzles have an intricate layout where words intersect each other. Use the letters you have already filled in to help solve the overlapping words.

4. Use a crossword solver: If you are truly stuck, you can look up online crossword solvers or use mobile apps specifically designed to assist in finding crossword answers. Remember, this can take away the fun and challenge of solving the puzzle on your own.

5. Take breaks: Sometimes, stepping away from the puzzle for a while can help refresh your mind and provide new perspectives when you return to it.

Remember, the joy of solving a crossword puzzle lies in the challenge and using your own skills and knowledge.