A student measures the mass of an πŸ– π’„π’ŽπŸ‘ block of confectioner’s powdered sugar to be πŸ’. πŸ’πŸ— grams. Determine the density of the powdered sugar.

β€˜density’ is the total mass of any object with respect to its volume.

4.49/8 = ? grams/cm^3

0.56 g/cm^3

To determine the density of powdered sugar, you need to calculate the mass/volume ratio. Density is defined as mass divided by volume.

First, we are given the mass of the powdered sugar, which is 4.49 grams (rounded to two decimal places).

Next, we need to calculate the volume of the powdered sugar. However, the question does not provide any information about the dimensions of the block. Without the dimensions, we cannot determine the volume of the block accurately.

To find the density, we need both the mass and the volume. Therefore, without the volume, we cannot calculate the density of the powdered sugar accurately.

If you have the dimensions of the block (length, width, and height), you can calculate its volume by multiplying these dimensions together. Then, divide the mass by the volume to obtain the density.