What the answer to this??

Use the hundredth grids to answer the question.

Two 10 by 10 grids are shown. In the first grid, all squares are shaded with 1 column and 2 squares also containing an X. In the second grid, 2 columns and 3 squares are shaded and all shaded squares contain an X.

Which equation is shown by the model?

To determine which equation is shown by the model using the hundredth grids, we need to analyze the given information.

In the first grid, all squares are shaded with 1 column and 2 squares also containing an X. This means that there are 100 squares in total, and 2 of them contain an X.

In the second grid, 2 columns and 3 squares are shaded, and all shaded squares contain an X. This indicates that there are 100 squares in total, and 3 of them contain an X.

Now let's compare the two scenarios:

In the first grid, out of 100 squares, 2 contain an X. This can be represented as 2/100 or 2% (since percent means "per hundred").

In the second grid, out of 100 squares, 3 contain an X. This can be represented as 3/100 or 3% (again, meaning 3 out of one hundred).

Therefore, the model represents the equation: 2/100 = 3/100, or 2% = 3%.

So, the answer to your question is that the equation shown by the model is 2% = 3%.

what are the equations?