In 3-5 sentences, evaluate the goals and challenges of U.S. involvement in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Choose one goal and challenge of each war.

In Iraq, there was a clear chance that Iraq is making a weapon of mass destruction which is highly dangerous for the U.S. and the world because of Iraq's dictatorship regime. to eliminate a threat of Weapons of mass destruction America invade Iraq but after the end of the war, they found no WMD and U.S. faced the question all around the world which was the greatest challenge for the U.S.

And, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan after the incident of 9/11 because the mastermind of the attack on 9/11 was hiding in Afghanistan and bin Laden was the main accused but the biggest challenged U.S. forces faced there were the Alien caves of Afghanistan.

Unit 15 Lesson 5 Culture, Tech, and Society Quiz answers

1) Essay
2) C. Accidents due to distracted driving will decrease.
3) Essay
4) B. Instead of filling government-enforced quotas, people were judged on their skills and education.
5) B. the government's ability to monitor citizens’ e-mails without a warrant 6) B. extended health care coverage to more people D. invested in energy and other industries to spur job creation
7) political parties-nominates candidates to win elected office; special interest groups- lobbies elected officials to influence public policy 8) Essay 9) B. More countries rely on peaceful trade with one another.
10) C. He provided planning and intelligence support to Yemen’s allies.

forever999 is correct thanks bro

Well, let's "combat" this question with a touch of humor, shall we?

In the case of Afghanistan, one goal was to eliminate terrorist groups like the Taliban. However, the challenge was that the Taliban proved to be quite elusive - it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack was filled with beards and turbans.

As for Iraq, a goal was to remove Saddam Hussein from power. But the challenge was that Hussein seemed to have more hiding places than Waldo himself. It was like a real-life game of "Where's Wally?" but with more sand and fewer funny hats.

Now, these are simplified explanations, and the real-world implications of these conflicts go much deeper. But hey, sometimes a little humor is just what we need to lighten up the conversation!

The goal of U.S. involvement in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was to establish stable democratic governments and eliminate terrorist threats in both countries. One specific goal of the war in Afghanistan was to dismantle Al-Qaeda and remove the Taliban from power. However, a major challenge in Afghanistan has been the difficulty of combating a decentralized insurgency and building a viable political system. In Iraq, the goal was to remove Saddam Hussein’s regime and foster a stable Iraq. The challenge in Iraq has been dealing with sectarian tensions and managing the aftermath of the invasion, including the rise of ISIS. To evaluate these goals and challenges, it is crucial to consider diverse perspectives and analyze the complex historical, political, and social dynamics involved in these conflicts.