PLEASE HELP im so behind

What type of economic system is this?:

90% of businesses are privately-owned.
Medical care for all individuals is free.
Parents, (both mothers and fathers) are guaranteed 12 months paid leave from work.
College education is free.
High tax rates. On average, half of a person’s income goes to taxes.

Based on the given information, the economic system described seems to have a mix of elements from both capitalism and socialism. The main features that can be identified are:

1. Private Ownership: The fact that 90% of businesses are privately-owned suggests that there is a significant presence of capitalist principles in the economic system. This means that individuals and private entities have the right to own and operate businesses for profit.

2. Free Medical Care: Providing free medical care for all individuals indicates a socialistic aspect of the economic system. This suggests that there is a provision for public or government-funded healthcare, aiming to ensure equal access to healthcare services.

3. Paid Parental Leave: Guaranteeing 12 months of paid leave for parents reflects a social safety net aspect. It indicates that the government or employers may provide financial support during family-related circumstances, aiming to balance work-life responsibilities.

4. Free College Education: The provision of free college education suggests a focus on equal access to education and investment in human capital. It indicates that the government provides public funding for higher education, making it accessible to all individuals regardless of their financial background.

5. High Tax Rates: The mention of high tax rates, where roughly 50% of a person's income goes to taxes, suggests a significant level of wealth redistribution. This indicates a more socialistic aspect of taxation, as it aims to fund the various social benefits and services provided by the government.

Overall, based on these characteristics, it appears to be a mixed economic system with elements of both capitalism and socialism, commonly referred to as a mixed-market economy or a welfare state.