Which graph represents the linear function y=1/4x3?

I need the answer quick is it A B C or D


To determine which graph represents the linear function y = (1/4)x + 3, we need to understand how the equation of a linear function relates to its graph.

A linear function is represented by a straight line on a graph. The equation of a linear function is typically written in the form: y = mx + b, where m represents the slope of the line and b represents the y-intercept (the point where the line crosses the y-axis).

In the given function y = (1/4)x + 3, we can observe that the coefficient of x (m) is 1/4, representing the slope of the line. The slope determines how steep or flat the line is. In this case, the slope is positive 1/4, indicating that the line rises as x increases.

Now, let's analyze the options A, B, C, and D. Examine the graphs provided and focus on the slope of the line and its y-intercept.

Once you have identified which graph has a slope of 1/4 and a y-intercept of 3, you will have found the correct answer.

I cant post the pictures sorry but I need the answer now is it C?

surely you know what the graph of y=x^3 looks like.

This looks just the same shape.