Mars is known as the red planet. It is smaller than Earth, but it boasts as many dramatic landscapes. Since the invention of the telescope, people have been fascinated by the geological features of Mars, but given the limitations of their technology, these early scientists could only guess what it truly looked like.

What has most likely allowed people to have a better understanding of the landscape of Mars in recent times?
A. improved technology
B. more limited methods
C. increased interest in space
D. movies and books about Mars

Somebody pls help me, I really need help on this unit test

Yes does someone know the answers I need them too!

only A could actually provide more knowledge, due mainly to better telescopes and spacecraft that actually went to Mars.

interest, and books and movies are nice, but they do not really improve understanding.

The most likely factor that has allowed people to have a better understanding of the landscape of Mars in recent times is improved technology (option A).

Improved technology, especially advancements in space exploration, has been crucial in providing us with more accurate and detailed information about the geological features and landscapes of Mars.

In the past, scientists could only guess what Mars truly looked like because of the limitations of their technology. However, with the invention and continuous improvement of telescopes, satellites, rovers, and other space exploration instruments, we have been able to study Mars more closely. These technological advancements have allowed us to capture high-resolution images, conduct remote sensing, analyze the composition of Martian rocks and soil, and explore the planet's surface firsthand through rovers.

Thanks to improved technology, scientists and researchers have been able to gain a better understanding of Mars' landscape, including its canyons, impact craters, volcanoes, polar ice caps, and other geological features. This information has expanded our knowledge of Mars and contributed to the ongoing exploration and understanding of the red planet.