In the presidential election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln

won, but did not travel to Washington to become president
lost, but made his famous "House Divided" speech during the campaign
received the most votes even though he did not appear on most southern ballots
spoke out in favor of abolishing slavery wherever it currently existed in the U.S.

I need help so anyone willing please help

Really its c? are u sure?

he Republican Party ticket of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin, absent from the ballot in ten slave states, won a national popular plurality

Repeated posts asking for help won't get it any faster.

The correct answer is D. Abraham Lincoln spoke out in favor of abolishing slavery wherever it currently existed in the U.S.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, B, and C based on historical facts. Abraham Lincoln indeed won the presidential election of 1860, as stated in option A. However, he did travel to Washington to become president. Option B suggests that he lost the election, but this is incorrect. Lastly, option C states that he received the most votes despite not appearing on most southern ballots. In reality, while Lincoln did not appear on the ballot in several southern states, he did not receive the most votes overall.

By process of elimination, we are left with option D, which correctly states that Abraham Lincoln spoke out in favor of abolishing slavery wherever it currently existed in the U.S.