Which fraction and decimal are equivalent to 10-3?

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To determine which fraction and decimal are equivalent to 10-3, let's break it down.

First, let's convert the exponent form 10-3 to its decimal form. The exponent -3 means the reciprocal of the number raised to the power of 3. In this case, the reciprocal of 10 raised to the power of 3 is 1/10^3 or 1/1000.

So, the decimal equivalent of 10-3 is 0.001.

Next, let's find the fraction equivalent. To do this, we need to express 0.001 as a fraction.

Since the decimal 0.001 has three decimal places, we can write it as 1/1000.


The fraction equivalent to 10-3 is 1/1000, and the decimal equivalent to 10-3 is 0.001.

Which fraction and decimal are equivalent to 10-3

10 - 3 = 7

This is not a fraction.