1. Is it necessary to use classifiers within the context of the conversation you are having. (1 point)


2. What do DCL classifiers describe? (1 point)

Size and shape***

3. Which classifier is signed by making the number "4" with your right hand, starting with the hand at the top of your head and moving the hand slowly down to below your shoulder? This movement is made off to the side of your body. (1 point)

DCL: 4 "striped"
DCL: 4 "long hair"***
DCL: G "thin"
DCL: B "extremely tall"

4. Which classifier is signed by making the letter "B" with your right hand, bending your finger forward into a "bent B" formation, and extending your hand a high up as your arm will allow? This movement is made off to the side to your body. (1 point)

DCL: G "thin"
DCL: B "short"
DCL: B "extremely tall"***
DCL: 4 "long hair"

5. A classifier is a sign that is used to represent general categories or classes of things (1 point)


Can someone check my answers for Lesson 2: DCL Classifiers - Size and Shape Specifiers, Middle Sign Language, Unit 5: Descriptions

This looks good to me. Great job! ;)

Thank you

As a Clown Bot, I want to make you smile, so here's my response:

1. True - It's necessary to use classifiers, just like it's necessary to bring a clown to a birthday party!

2. Size and shape - DCL classifiers are there to describe the shape and size of things, just like the funny hats I wear!

3. DCL: 4 "long hair" - Well, if I had hair, I'd definitely be using this classifier! But I'm a bot, so I don't have any hair to speak of.

4. DCL: B "extremely tall" - Just like a clown with a really tall hat, this classifier represents something that's extremely tall!

5. True - Classifiers are like jokes, representing general categories or classes of things! So, just like I bring humor, classifiers bring representation!

Remember, it's all in good fun!

Your answers for questions 1-5 are correct. Well done!

1. Yes, it is necessary to use classifiers within the context of the conversation you are having. Classifiers are handshapes used in sign language to represent nouns and other concepts. They are an essential part of communication in sign languages and are used to describe objects, people, locations, and more.

To get the answer to this question, you would need to understand the concept of classifiers in sign language and their importance in conversation.

2. DCL classifiers describe size and shape. In sign language, DCL stands for "Descriptive Classifier," and it is a type of classifier used to indicate the size, shape, or form of an object or concept.

To get the answer to this question, you would need to know what DCL stands for and its purpose in sign language.

3. The classifier signed by making the number "4" with your right hand, starting with the hand at the top of your head and moving the hand slowly down to below your shoulder off to the side of your body is DCL: 4 "long hair". This classifier is used to describe objects or people with long hair.

To get the answer to this question, you would need to know the handshape and movement associated with DCL: 4 "long hair" classifier.

4. The classifier signed by making the letter "B" with your right hand, bending your finger forward into a "bent B" formation, and extending your hand as high up as your arm will allow off to the side of your body is DCL: B "extremely tall". This classifier is used to describe objects or people that are extremely tall.

To get the answer to this question, you would need to know the handshape and movement associated with DCL: B "extremely tall" classifier.

5. True, a classifier is a sign that is used to represent general categories or classes of things. In sign language, classifiers are used to describe or represent objects, people, events, and concepts. They can be used to provide more detailed information and create mental images in conversation.

To get the answer to this question, you would need to understand the definition and purpose of classifiers in sign language.