bruh what does "Jiskha" even mean and why is this called that ;-;

Scroll down to the bottom, and there is a Contact U button.

You can ask the site director what it means.

"Dec 13, 2008. It means "good girl". It was the name of our site owners dog when he was in Middle School. Bolivia/Peru is close."

I could have gone my life without knowing that, but I think it's just a fun made up name. But you can think whatever you want, even if it's some secret government trying to get our information ;)

Great question! The word "Jiskha" doesn't have a specific meaning in English. However, Jiskha is the name of a popular online educational community where students can get help with their homework and ask questions on a wide range of subjects.

As for why this platform is called "Jiskha," it might be helpful to do a little research. You can start by searching for the history or origin of Jiskha on the internet. Usually, the names of online platforms have unique meanings or may have been influenced by various factors, such as the founder's name, the purpose of the platform, or simply something catchy and memorable.

By finding the origins of Jiskha, you should be able to gather more detailed information about why this specific platform is called by that name.