What reference source would you use to find the average snowfall in January in Nome, Alaska

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I searched under "nome meteorology January snowfall totals":

Average total snowfall in January; Place Days Inches Centi­meters: Nome: 12.7: 32.3: 2.8

Sorry for the confusion. To find the average snowfall in January in Nome, Alaska, you could use the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website or the National Weather Service website. They provide historical weather data for various locations, including snowfall amounts. Alternatively, you could search for a local weather station or news website that reports weather data for Nome, Alaska.

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To find the average snowfall in January in Nome, Alaska, you can consult multiple reference sources. Here's how you can go about it:

1. National Weather Service (NWS) Climate Data: Visit the NWS website and navigate to the Climate Data section. Look for the historical climate data or the climate records for Nome, Alaska. You can usually find monthly snowfall averages and other weather statistics for the region.

2. Online Weather Websites: Browse weather websites like Weather.com, AccuWeather.com, or The Weather Channel. Search for the location "Nome, Alaska" and explore their historical weather data or climate section. They often provide average snowfall figures for each month, including January.

3. Local Weather Stations: Check if the official local weather station for Nome, Alaska has a website. Many weather stations maintain historical weather data, including snowfall information. They may have an archive or a section dedicated to climate data where you can find the average snowfall in January.

4. Climate Atlases or Almanacs: Look for climate atlases or almanacs that provide detailed weather information. These publications often include regional climate data, including average snowfall figures for specific months, such as January. You can find these resources in libraries or browse online versions.

Remember to cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and to gather a comprehensive understanding of the average snowfall in January in Nome, Alaska.