Which statement describes the solution to the problem in the passage from Travels with Charley?

I took one companion on my journey – an old French gentleman poodle known as Charley.
Because it was a wind strange to me, and therefore mysterious, it set up mysterious responses in me.
For myself, I try to keep the line open even for things I can't understand or explain, but it is difficult in this frightened time.
Just as I felt unwanted in this land, so do I feel a reluctance in writing about it.

Which phrase signals a solution to a problem?

For this reason
It was said
It is well known
In either case

In due time, specifications came through, for a tough, fast, comfortable vehicle, mounting a camper top – a little house with double bed, a four-burner stove, a heater, refrigerator and lights operating on butane, a chemical toilet, closet space, storage space, windows screened against insects – exactly what I wanted.
What is the purpose of the descriptive detail in this passage from Travels with Charley?

It shows that the author has a lot of money to buy a fancy camper.
It shows that the author is a very fussy person.
It shows how the camper meets all the author’s travel needs.
It shows that the author is a good designer.
As the sun angled, the buttes and coulees, the cliffs and sculptured hills and ravines lost their burned and dreadful look and glowed with yellow and rich browns and a hundred variations of red and silver gray, all picked out by streaks of coal black. It was so beautiful that I stopped near a thicket of dwarfed and wind-warped cedars and junipers, and once stopped I was caught, trapped in color and dazzled by the clarity of the light.
What is the author’s purpose for providing the description in this passage?

to persuade people to visit the Bad Lands
to inform people of the natural beauty in a part of America
to argue against development of the Bad Lands
to entertain people with the unusual sights
"Does it get very cold here winters?"
"You talk too much."
He grinned. "That's what my Mrs. says."
What does this dialogue from Travels with Charley show about the man Steinbeck is talking to?

The man’s wife thinks he talks too much.
The man is not very talkative.
Steinbeck thinks the man talks too much.
The man is rude because Steinbeck is a writer.

Which reason best explains why the author includes dialogue in the book?

It allows him to show people’s characters.
It allows other people to describe the places the author sees.
It makes the book seem more like a novel.
It makes the trip sound more interesting than it actually is.

Ill post the actual answers once Im done!

Solution to the problem in the passage from Travels with Charley: The statement that describes the solution to the problem in the passage is C: "For myself, I try to keep the line open even for things I can't understand or explain, but it is difficult in this frightened time." This statement suggests that the solution to the problem lies in maintaining an open mind and being willing to accept and understand things that may be difficult to explain.

Phrase that signals a solution to a problem: The phrase that signals a solution to a problem is B: "For this reason." Typically, when the phrase "For this reason" is used, it indicates that an explanation or solution is about to be provided based on the information given before.

Purpose of the descriptive detail in the passage from Travels with Charley: The purpose of the descriptive detail in the passage is C: "It shows how the camper meets all the author’s travel needs." The passage provides a thorough description of the specifications and features of the camper, highlighting how it fulfills the author's travel needs and preferences.

Author's purpose for providing the description in the passage: The author's purpose for providing the description in the passage is B: "to inform people of the natural beauty in a part of America." The passage describes the scenic beauty of the Bad Lands, aiming to inform readers of the natural beauty found in that specific region of America.

What the dialogue from Travels with Charley shows about the man Steinbeck is talking to: The dialogue from Travels with Charley shows that the man's wife thinks he talks too much. The man states that his wife thinks he talks too much in response to Steinbeck's comment.

Reason for including dialogue in the book: The reason for including dialogue in the book is A: "It allows him to show people's characters." Including dialogue allows the author to provide insights into the personalities and traits of the characters he encounters during his travels.



1. A

2. B

ONG these all right (For Connexus)

Ryan right


I crawl so you can walk