Which means did some southern whites use to deny blacks justice during Reconstruction?

They passed laws denying blacks voting rights.***

They outlawed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.

They passed the 15th Amendment.

They forced blacks to attend white schools

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which methods did some southern whites use to deny blacks justice during reconstruction

The means that some southern whites used to deny blacks justice during Reconstruction was by passing laws to deny blacks voting rights. To get this answer, one can study the history of Reconstruction in the United States, specifically looking into the period following the Civil War when efforts were made to provide civil rights and legal protections to freed slaves. During this time, southern whites who were resistant to these changes used various methods to maintain their power and deny equal rights, such as implementing voter suppression tactics, including voter registration requirements, literacy tests, and poll taxes that disproportionately affected black citizens. These laws effectively restricted black individuals from exercising their right to vote and participating in the political process, leading to significant political and social inequality.