Which of the following is not a way that human activity has negatively affected the biodiversity of ecosystems?

The planting of trees

Planting of trees

No following.


To determine which of the following options is not a way that human activity has negatively affected the biodiversity of ecosystems, we will need to examine each option individually.

1. Habitat destruction: Human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and conversion of natural areas for agriculture have resulted in the destruction of habitats for many species. This directly leads to a decrease in biodiversity.

2. Pollution: Industrial activities, improper waste disposal, and the release of pollutants into the environment have adverse effects on ecosystems. Pollution can contaminate water bodies, soil, and air, causing harm to various species and reducing biodiversity.

3. Conservation efforts: Conservation efforts, such as creating protected areas, implementing wildlife management plans, and enforcing regulations, are intended to preserve biodiversity and mitigate the negative impacts of human activities. Therefore, conservation efforts are not a way that human activity negatively affects biodiversity, but rather a potential solution to the problem.

4. Ecotourism: Ecotourism is a form of tourism that is centered around visiting natural areas with the intention of conserving the environment and benefiting the local communities. While ecotourism can contribute positively to conservation efforts and raise awareness about biodiversity, it can sometimes have negative effects such as habitat disturbance or unsustainable practices. Therefore, it can be considered as a way that human activity negatively affects biodiversity.

Based on the above analysis, the option that is not a way human activity negatively affects biodiversity is conservation efforts.