Which of the following is not a symptom of an inflammatory response?

production of white blood cells
swelling of tissue
production of antibodies

To determine which of the following is not a symptom of an inflammatory response, we can go through each option and analyze whether it is indeed a symptom or not. Here's how you can evaluate each choice:

1. Production of white blood cells: This is a symptom of an inflammatory response. During inflammation, the body increases the production of white blood cells, primarily neutrophils and macrophages, to combat any potential infection or injury. Therefore, this is not the correct answer.

2. Swelling of tissue: Swelling is a classic symptom of inflammation. When immune cells release chemicals in response to tissue damage or infection, blood vessels become leaky and allow fluid to accumulate, resulting in swelling. Therefore, this is not the correct answer.

3. Fever: Fever is also a symptom of inflammation. It is a systemic response to infection or tissue damage caused by the release of certain chemicals that trigger the body's heat-regulating mechanisms. The elevated body temperature helps to enhance the immune system's response. Hence, this is not the correct answer.

4. Production of antibodies: Antibodies are part of the adaptive immune response, which is activated after the initial inflammatory response. When the body encounters an infection or foreign substance, it takes time to develop specific antibodies through B cells. Therefore, the production of antibodies is not an immediate symptom of inflammation. This is the correct answer.

So, the correct answer is the "production of antibodies" as it is not an immediate symptom of an inflammatory response, unlike the other options.