Araba spent 2/3 of her pocket money on transportation,1/5 on photocopies and the reaming 18 Ghana ceded on food.How much did she spend on photocopies?

2/3 x + 1/5 x + 18 = x

multiply by 15 to get
10x + 3x + 270 = 15x
Now finish it off

After spending 2/5 of her pocket money on transportation and 1/5 on cosmetics I was left with 6.15 how much money did she have originally

To find out how much Araba spent on photocopies, we need to first calculate how much she spent on transportation.

Given that Araba spent 2/3 of her pocket money on transportation, this means she spent 2/3 * her pocket money on transportation.

Next, we can calculate how much Araba spent on photocopies. Given that she spent 1/5 of her pocket money on photocopies, this means she spent 1/5 * her pocket money on photocopies.

Finally, since Araba spent the remaining 18 Ghana cedis on food, we can add up the amounts she spent on transportation and photocopies and subtract that total from her pocket money to find the amount she had left for food.

Let's assume that Araba's pocket money is X Ghana cedis.

Amount spent on transportation = (2/3) * X
Amount spent on photocopies = (1/5) * X
Amount left for food = X - [(2/3) * X + (1/5) * X]

Now, we can substitute the given value of 18 Ghana cedis into the equation for amount left for food and solve for X.

X - [(2/3) * X + (1/5) * X] = 18

Simplifying the equation, we get:

X - (10/15 * X + 3/15 * X) = 18
X - (13/15 * X) = 18
(15/15 * X) - (13/15 * X) = 18
(2/15 * X) = 18

Multiplying both sides by 15/2, we have:

X = 18 * 15/2
X = 135

Therefore, Araba's pocket money is 135 Ghana cedis.

To find out how much Araba spent on photocopies, we can substitute the value of X into our equation for photocopies:

Amount spent on photocopies = (1/5) * 135
Amount spent on photocopies = 27

Therefore, Araba spent 27 Ghana cedis on photocopies.

To find out how much Araba spent on photocopies, we need to do the following steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total amount of pocket money.
Since 2/3 of the pocket money was spent on transportation and 1/5 was spent on photocopies, the remaining fraction is 1 - (2/3) - (1/5).
To find a common denominator, we multiply 3 and 5, resulting in 15.
1 - (2/3) - (1/5) = (15/15) - (10/15) - (3/15) = (2/15).

We know that the remaining amount Araba had for food is 18 Ghana cedis, so we can set up a proportion:
(2/15) * x = 18

Step 2: Solve for x.
To solve for x, we multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 2/15, which is 15/2:
((2/15) * x) * (15/2) = 18 * (15/2)
x = (18 * 15) / 2 = 270 / 2 = 135

Therefore, the amount Araba spent on photocopies is 135 Ghana cedis.