The scale factor for the following similar rectangles would be

What rectangles? Cannot draw diagrams on these posts.

1. reflection, rotation, & translation

2. 2/3 & 3/2
3. 6

To determine the scale factor for similar rectangles, you need to compare the corresponding sides of the two rectangles.

Let's say we have two rectangles, Rectangle A and Rectangle B.

Rectangle A has side lengths of A1 and A2.
Rectangle B has side lengths of B1 and B2.

To find the scale factor, you can divide any corresponding pair of sides between the two rectangles.

For example:
- If A1 / B1 = 3 and A2 / B2 = 2, then the scale factor is 3:2.
- If A1 / B1 = 1/4 and A2 / B2 = 5/8, then the scale factor is 1:4 and 5:8 respectively.

Please provide the numbers for the side lengths of the rectangles in order to calculate the scale factor.