Enrique buys 1 lb 12 oz of ground beef for $3.85. What is the cost per pound?

$3.85/(1 3/4 lb) = 3.85 * 4/7 = $2.20/lb

To find the cost per pound, we need to first convert the weight to pounds.

1 lb is equivalent to 16 oz, so 1 lb 12 oz can be converted to pounds as follows:

1 lb 12 oz = 1 lb + 12/16 lb
= 1 lb + 0.75 lb
= 1.75 lb

The cost is $3.85 for 1.75 lb of ground beef.

To find the cost per pound, we divide the total cost ($3.85) by the weight in pounds (1.75 lb):

Cost per pound = Total cost / Weight in pounds
= $3.85 / 1.75 lb
≈ $2.20 per pound

Therefore, the cost per pound of ground beef is approximately $2.20.

To find the cost per pound of ground beef, we need to convert the 1 lb 12 oz to pounds and then divide the total cost by the weight in pounds.

Step 1: Convert 1 lb 12 oz to pounds.
To convert ounces to pounds, we need to divide the number of ounces by 16 (since there are 16 ounces in 1 pound).

12 oz / 16 = 0.75 pounds

So, 1 lb 12 oz is equal to 1.75 pounds.

Step 2: Divide the total cost by the weight in pounds.
To find the cost per pound, we divide the total cost of $3.85 by 1.75 pounds.

$3.85 / 1.75 lb ≈ $2.20 per pound

Therefore, the cost per pound of ground beef is approximately $2.20.