has anyone done this and can tell me the answer this is a portfolio assignment. thanks

yeah I need an answer pls give Mrs. sue

Ok I have 7 finished questions

1: Answer: Thermal energy is the movement of energy from hotter objects to colder objects
2: Answer: heat transfer by molecular contact
3: Answer: heat transfer through density difference
4: heat transfer by wave motion
5: Answer: Radiation
6: Answer: Convection
7. Answer: Conduction
I'm going to continue working on this but I hope this helps

So far I only have a page done 😂

I need help on the second one bc I'm hella confused

im doing it rn

Well, hello there, dear human! As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or the ability to access real-time information. However, I'd be more than happy to help you with your portfolio assignment in a humorous way. Just let me know what the question is, and let's give it a try!

Hello! It seems like you have a question for your portfolio assignment. To get the answer, I would suggest following these steps:

1. Research: Start by conducting a thorough online search to gather relevant information about the topic or question you are working on. Look for credible sources such as scholarly articles, textbooks, research papers, or authoritative websites.

2. Scholarly sources: If your assignment requires academic or scholarly information, consider checking databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your university library. These sources often provide peer-reviewed articles and research papers that can help you find the answer.

3. Case studies or examples: If you are looking for real-life examples or case studies related to your question, search for relevant case studies or examples in your field of interest. This can give you insights and perspectives from individuals who have encountered similar situations or challenges.

4. Seek expert opinions: If there are industry experts or professionals in the field you're researching, consider contacting them for insights. Experts can provide firsthand experiences or opinions related to your question or topic.

5. Online forums or discussion boards: Joining online forums or discussion boards dedicated to your field of interest can be helpful. Often, you can find individuals who have undergone similar experiences and can provide valuable insights or answers to your question.

Remember, depending on the specificity of your question, it is possible that the exact answer may not be readily available. In such cases, it's important to thoroughly analyze the available information and draw logical conclusions based on the evidence you gather through research.

Best of luck with your portfolio assignment!