Predict what color of monkey flower has the highest likelihood of occurring in a habitat with a large population of bees and few hummingbirds. Graph the distribution of color in monkey flowers in this habitat to support your answer.

To predict the color of monkey flowers with the highest likelihood of occurring in a habitat with a large population of bees and few hummingbirds, we would need to understand their color preferences and behaviors.

One way to estimate the distribution of color in monkey flowers in this habitat is by conducting a survey or study. Here's how you can set up the process:

1. Define the colors: Start by identifying the color range of monkey flowers in the habitat. Let's say we have three colors: red, pink, and yellow.

2. Collect data: Randomly select several areas within the habitat, ensuring they are representative samples. Record the number of each color of monkey flower found in each location. Repeat the process multiple times to gather a substantial amount of data.

3. Analyze the data: Count the total number of each color found across all the sampling locations. Calculate the proportion of each color by dividing the number of flowers of the given color by the total number of flowers.

4. Create a distribution graph: To support your answer, plot a bar graph or a pie chart showing the color distribution in the habitat. Label each color on the x-axis and represent the proportion or percentage of each color on the y-axis.

5. Interpret the data: Examine the distribution graph to identify the color that appears most frequently compared to others. This color will have the highest likelihood of occurring in the habitat with a large population of bees and few hummingbirds.

It's important to note that this is a hypothetical scenario, and the actual results may vary depending on various factors such as geographical location, species of monkey flower, and the specific preferences of bees and hummingbirds in that habitat.

Remember, collecting data from the real habitat is essential to get accurate results.