Which should a speaker use to support a claim?(1 point)

call to action

How does relevant evidence support a speaker’s argument?(1 point)

The opinions are stated clearly.
The information is interesting.
It captures the audience’s attention.
It is related directly to the claim.

Which term describes the use of enough information to support a claim?(1 point)

sufficient evidence
interesting evidence
relevant evidence
important evidence

Which makes a speaker’s argument most convincing?(1 point)

using relevant and sufficient evidence
including many opinions
providing a call to action
researching the topic thoroughly

The answer are there but the thing is that i am not sure

To support a claim, a speaker should use evidence. Evidence helps provide credibility and substantiates the claim being made. This can include facts, data, research findings, expert opinions, testimonies, or examples.

Relevant evidence supports a speaker's argument by being directly related to the claim being made. It helps to strengthen the argument's validity and logical reasoning. The other options provided, such as opinions or capturing the audience's attention, may be important in certain contexts but might not directly support the argument or claim being presented.

When the speaker provides enough information to support a claim, it is referred to as sufficient evidence. It ensures that there is a substantial basis for the claim being made. Interesting, relevant, or important evidence may also enhance the argument, but it is the sufficiency of evidence that specifically addresses the question.

To make a speaker's argument most convincing, they should use relevant and sufficient evidence. This means using evidence that directly relates to the claim and providing enough of it to support the argument being made. Including many opinions may lead to bias or a weak argument without factual backing. Providing a call to action can be impactful, but it does not necessarily make the argument itself more convincing. Researching the topic thoroughly helps the speaker gather the necessary evidence and knowledge to present a compelling argument, enhancing its credibility and persuasiveness.

What are your choices, so we can evaluate them?

ok never mind i found out the answer!!