A bottle contains 125 multivitamin tablets. Each tablet contains 20 milligrams of niacin.

How many grams of niacin in all are contained in the bottle?


its 8.93

To calculate the total grams of niacin in the bottle, we need to multiply the number of tablets by the amount of niacin in each tablet, and then convert the result from milligrams to grams.

Step 1: Multiply the number of tablets by the amount of niacin in each tablet:
125 tablets x 20 milligrams of niacin per tablet = 2500 milligrams of niacin in total

Step 2: Convert milligrams to grams by dividing by 1000:
2500 milligrams รท 1000 = 2.5 grams

Therefore, there are 2.5 grams of niacin in all that are contained in the bottle.

125 * .020 = ?