A reservation clerk worked 11.25 hours one day. She spent twice as much time entering new reservations as she

did verifying old ones and one and a half as much time calling to confirm reservations as verifying old ones. How
much time did she spend entering new reservations?

2 v + v + v/2 = 11.25 h

3.5 v = 11.25 h

7/2 v = 45/4 h

I believe that should be

2 v + v + 3/2 v = 11.25

"half as much time calling to confirm reservations as verifying old ones"

new = 2 v

one and a half as much time calling to confirm reservations as verifying old ones

3/2 v

To determine how much time the reservation clerk spent entering new reservations, we can follow these steps:

1. Let's assume the time spent verifying old reservations is "x" hours.
2. The clerk spent twice as much time entering new reservations as verifying old ones, which means the time spent entering new reservations is "2x" hours.
3. Moreover, the clerk spent one and a half times as much time calling to confirm reservations as verifying old ones, which means the time spent calling to confirm reservations is "1.5x" hours.
4. The clerk worked a total of 11.25 hours in one day.
5. Therefore, the total time spent can be calculated by adding the time spent verifying old reservations, entering new reservations, and calling to confirm reservations:
x + 2x + 1.5x = 11.25

Now, let's solve the equation:

4.5x = 11.25

Divide both sides of the equation by 4.5:

x = 2.5

So, the time spent verifying old reservations is 2.5 hours.

To find the time spent entering new reservations, multiply the time spent verifying old reservations by 2:

2x = 2 * 2.5 = 5

Therefore, the reservation clerk spent 5 hours entering new reservations.