The area of the parallelogram is 105 cm. What is the base of the​ parallelogram?


bh = area

b = 105/h , so it depends on the height h, not enough data for a
specific answer.

btw, the area would be 105 cm^2, not just cm

To find the base of a parallelogram, we need to know the height and the area. Since you have provided the area of the parallelogram, we need to know the height of the parallelogram. With only the area information, we cannot determine the base without more information.

To find the base of a parallelogram, you need to know its area and the corresponding height. In this case, the area of the parallelogram is given as 105 cm², but the height is not provided.

To calculate the height of the parallelogram, you can use the formula:

Area = base × height

Since we know the area is 105 cm², we can rewrite the formula as:

105 cm² = base × height

Since we want to find the base, we need to isolate it. To do that, we need to rearrange the equation:

base = Area / height

Now we need the value of the height. Unfortunately, it has not been provided in the question. Therefore, without the height, we cannot determine the base of the parallelogram.