Sentence pattern for:-

We painted the house white


direct object
object complement



we - subject
the house - object
white -adjuct

The sentence pattern for the sentence "We painted the house white" is Subject + Verb + Object + Object Complement + Adjective. Here is a breakdown of each part:

Subject: "We" - This is the doer of the action, the one who painted.
Verb: "painted" - This is the action word that describes what the subject did.
Object: "the house" - This is the recipient of the action, the thing that was painted.
Object Complement: "white" - This gives information about the object, describing what color the house was painted.
Adjective: "white" - This is the adjective that modifies the object, telling us the quality or characteristic of the house.

To identify the sentence pattern, you can follow this structure:

1. Identify the subject - This is the doer of the action.
2. Look for the verb - This is the action or state of being.
3. Find the object - This is the recipient of the action or the thing that is being affected.
4. Check for any object complements - These provide additional information about the object.
5. Note any adjectives or adverbs - These modify the subject, verb, or object.

By analyzing each part of the sentence, you can determine the sentence pattern.