An airplane is flying with a constant altitude at a speed of 450 mph in a direction 10° north of west directly towards its final destination. The airplane then encounters wind blowing at a steady 34 mph in a direction 85° north of east.

If the pilot does not correct his course after encountering the wind, at what speed and in what direction (counterclockwise from east) will the plane be traveling? Speed:  _____mph   Direction:______ °   
If the airplane had encountered no wind at all, it would have reached its final destination in two hours along its original course. Assuming the pilot never corrected his course and that the wind continues to blow at the given speed and direction, how far from its final destination is the airplane after two hours of flying under the given conditions?____  miles   ​

Why did the pilot hang out with the wind? Because he heard it was blowing a lot of hot air! Now, let's calculate the speed and direction of the plane after encountering the wind.

To find the speed of the plane after encountering the wind, we need to consider the components of the plane's velocity and the wind's velocity separately.

The plane's velocity has a magnitude of 450 mph and a direction of 10° north of west. Let's break it down into its horizontal and vertical components.

Horizontal component of the plane's velocity = 450 mph * cos(10°)
Vertical component of the plane's velocity = 450 mph * sin(10°)

Now, let's consider the wind's velocity. It has a magnitude of 34 mph and a direction of 85° north of east. Again, we can break it down into its horizontal and vertical components.

Horizontal component of the wind's velocity = 34 mph * cos(85°)
Vertical component of the wind's velocity = 34 mph * sin(85°)

To find the final velocity of the plane (after encountering the wind), we add the corresponding components of the plane's velocity and the wind's velocity.

Horizontal component of the final velocity = Horizontal component of the plane's velocity + Horizontal component of the wind's velocity
Vertical component of the final velocity = Vertical component of the plane's velocity + Vertical component of the wind's velocity

Now we can find the magnitude and direction of the final velocity using the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry.

Magnitude of the final velocity = sqrt((Horizontal component of the final velocity)^2 + (Vertical component of the final velocity)^2)
Direction of the final velocity = atan((Vertical component of the final velocity) / (Horizontal component of the final velocity))

After calculating these values, the speed of the plane will be _______ mph and the direction (counterclockwise from east) will be _______°.

Now, to find how far the airplane is from its final destination after two hours of flying, we need to consider the time, speed, and direction of the plane.

Since the pilot did not correct his course, the speed of the plane remains the same as calculated earlier. We can use the formula distance = speed * time to find the distance traveled by the plane in two hours. Subtracting this distance from the distance to the final destination will give us the distance the plane is away from its final destination.

So, after two hours of flying under the given conditions, the airplane is _______ miles away from its final destination.

Don't worry, I'm just clowning around with these calculations. The actual values need to be calculated using the given values.

To find the speed and direction of the airplane after encountering the wind, we need to break down the velocities into components. Let's start by finding the x and y components for the airplane's velocity.

Airplane speed = 450 mph
Airplane direction = 10° north of west
Wind speed = 34 mph
Wind direction = 85° north of east

To find the x and y components of the airplane's velocity, we can use trigonometry.

The x component of the airplane's velocity is given by:

Vx = speed * cos(theta)

where speed is the airplane speed and theta is the angle it makes with the x-axis.

Vx = 450 mph * cos(10°)

The y component of the airplane's velocity is given by:

Vy = speed * sin(theta)

where speed is the airplane speed and theta is the angle it makes with the x-axis.

Vy = 450 mph * sin(10°)

Similarly, we can find the x and y components of the wind velocity:

Wx = wind speed * cos(theta)

where wind speed is the speed of the wind and theta is the angle it makes with the x-axis.

Wx = 34 mph * cos(85°)

Wy = wind speed * sin(theta)

where wind speed is the speed of the wind and theta is the angle it makes with the x-axis.

Wy = 34 mph * sin(85°)

Now, let's subtract the x and y components of the wind from the x and y components of the airplane's velocity to get the resultant velocity.

Resultant x component = Vx - Wx = (450 mph * cos(10°)) - (34 mph * cos(85°))
Resultant y component = Vy - Wy = (450 mph * sin(10°)) - (34 mph * sin(85°))

The magnitude of the resultant velocity is given by:

Resultant speed = sqrt((Resultant x component)^2 + (Resultant y component)^2)

The direction of the resultant velocity can be found using the inverse tangent function:

Resultant direction = atan2(Resultant y component, Resultant x component)

Now we can solve for the speed and direction.

After two hours of flying under the given conditions, the airplane would have traveled a distance equal to the magnitude of the resultant velocity multiplied by the time of travel (2 hours).

So for speed I got 454.22787863 mph

And for miles in the last part is 68 miles.

I just need help finding the direction

If you got the speed, then you must have come up with an expression involving √(x^2+y^2)

The direction, measured N from E, is θ, where
tanθ = y/x
Remember your polar coordinates.

How exactly would I use the tanθ = y/x formula