How do I write a science discussion paper in my own words? For example, if I'm given an article on exomets and my instructor is asking for me in return to tell what it is but in my words; how do I do that if I have no previous knowledge about it?


In your text/reading assignments
Contact a research librarian — yes, in person

So I take the article that I'm given and then my own words would come from the material that I'm given such as the textbook, PowerPoint slides,etc.?


Writing a science discussion paper in your own words requires a systematic approach. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. Read and Understand the Article: Begin by reading and comprehending the given article on exomets. Take your time to understand the key concepts, ideas, and arguments presented.

2. Identify the Main Points: Once you have read the article, identify the main points that the author is trying to convey. Highlight or make notes on the essential information, such as the definition of exomets, their characteristics, and any significant findings or implications discussed.

3. Research and Gather Additional Information: If you do not have previous knowledge about the topic, it is crucial to conduct additional research. Look for reputable sources, such as scientific journals, books, or trusted websites, to gather more information about exomets. This will help you gain a better understanding and enable you to explain the concept accurately in your own words.

4. Simplify Complex Concepts: Science articles often contain complex terminology and technical explanations. Your task is to simplify these concepts and explain them in a way that someone with no prior knowledge can understand. Break down complex sentences into simpler ones, avoid jargon, and use analogies or examples to clarify difficult ideas.

5. Organize Your Thoughts: Before you start writing, create an outline to organize your thoughts. Decide on the main sections or subtopics you want to cover and the logical progression of ideas within your discussion paper.

6. Write in Your Own Words: With a solid understanding of the article, relevant research, and your organized outline, begin writing your discussion paper. Focus on expressing the information using your own words, while remaining faithful to the original meaning. It is important to paraphrase and avoid directly copying sentences from the article.

7. Revise and Edit: Once you have written the initial draft, review and revise your paper. Pay attention to the clarity, coherence, and flow of your writing. Edit for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors to make your paper polished and professional.

Remember, writing in your own words does not mean inventing information or expressing personal opinions. It means understanding and explaining the material using your unique language and style, while staying true to the factual information provided in the article and your additional research.