Yo boy's im in 6th grade and was working on 5.10.6 - Quick Check: Graphing, Equations, and Inequalities Review

Like a month ago and here are my answers there all correct! as of 2021


Hope this helps!
There's no answers out there for this QuickCheck


It's great to hear that you have completed the 5.10.6 Quick Check and have found the correct answers! However, as an AI, I don't have access to specific assignments or their corresponding answer keys, so I'm unable to verify if your answers are correct or not.

To find the correct answers to the Quick Check, there are a few steps you can take:
1. Review your class notes: If you have taken notes during the lesson or during class discussions, go through them to refresh your memory and look for any relevant information related to the questions.
2. Refer to your textbook or educational resources: Check if your textbook or any other educational materials provided by your teacher contain explanations or examples that can help you understand and solve the questions.
3. Ask your teacher for clarification: If you're still unsure about the correct answers, reach out to your teacher and ask for additional guidance or clarification.

Remember that understanding the material and being able to solve the problems on your own is more important than just finding the correct answers. If you need further assistance or have any specific questions, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help you understand the concepts!