One difference between a book and a movie is that with a book you are(1 point)

guys here are the answers 100% guaranteed for connexs students

" compare Media Quick Check"
1. interpreting an author's words and using imagination to picture events. (A)
2.identifying the audience (C)
3.requires the audience to use mental pictures. (D)
4.audience (B)

your welcome ; )

1. interpreting an author's words and using imagination to picture events.

2. identifying the audience
3. requires the audience to imagine Characters' voices.
4. audience

is this right

thanks for the answers

mythic lady right, psydag wrong.

psydag nobody likes your answers if you dont like it get off this site, WHY ARE YOU EVEN ON HERE.

This is 100% right for connexs students

this is 100% correct



Mythic lady is right just not the letters because they change