they all are similar to the other one

To determine whether a group of things are similar to each other, you can follow these steps:

1. Define the criteria for similarity: Consider the specific attributes or characteristics that you want to compare across the items. For example, if you are comparing different types of fruits, the criteria could be nutritional value, taste, color, or size.

2. Identify the commonalities: Examine each item in the group and note down the similarities they share based on your defined criteria. It could be similarities in appearance, functionality, purpose, or any other relevant factors.

3. Compare the items: Analyze the commonalities you identified and determine the degree to which each item is similar to the others. You can assign a scale of similarity or use descriptive terms like "very similar," "somewhat similar," or "not similar."

4. Consider differences: Also, take note of any differences among the items that may help distinguish one from the others. These differences could be important factors in assessing similarity.

5. Reach a conclusion: Based on your analysis, determine whether all the items in the group are similar to each other or if there are some differences that make them less similar. Remember that similarity can be subjective and dependent on the specific criteria you defined.

By going through these steps, you can evaluate the group and determine how closely related or similar the items are to each other.