(50 questions in 2 hrs)

The table below shows the average attendance of school events by the day of the week on which they are held.

Average Attendance at School Events

School Play
Band Concert

Which values of x will indicate an association between the two variables in the two-way table? Select the three correct answers.
(don't have brainly and couldn't find anything first person to help gets 1 point)

If someone else has a brainly acc that would help...

An association between the two variables:

=> School Play : Brand Concert = constant

=> School Play / Brand Concert = constant on Thursday and Friday

300/184 Thursday

x/250 Friday

Equate both:

300/184 = x/250

=> x = 300 x 250 /184

=> x = 407

Value of x = 407

To determine the values of x that indicate an association between the two variables in the two-way table, we need to look for patterns or trends in the data.

In this case, we can see that the average attendance for the Band Concert on Thursday is 184, while the average attendance on Friday is 250. Similarly, the average attendance for the School Play on Thursday is 300, and the average attendance on Friday is missing (indicated by x).

If there is an association between the two variables, we would expect the attendance for the Band Concert and the School Play on the same day to show a similar pattern. Therefore, the missing value (x) should fall within a reasonable range based on the pattern we observe.

Looking at the data, we can see that the attendance for the Band Concert increased from 184 on Thursday to 250 on Friday. So, for the School Play, we would expect a similar increase. Thus, any value of x that falls within a reasonable range between 184 and 250 could indicate an association.

Out of the given options, the three values that fall within this range are:

1) 250: This value is within the observed range and matches the attendance for the Band Concert on Friday.
2) 304: Although slightly higher, this value still falls within a reasonable range based on the observed pattern.
3) 407: This value is outside the observed range and does not align with the pattern we have observed in the data.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
- 250
- 304

Please note that the given values 422 and 714 are outside the observed range and do not align with the observed pattern, so they do not indicate an association between the two variables.