form a quadratic equation whose roots are 2.5+root3 and 2.5-root3 giving your answer in the form ax^2+bx+c=0 where a, b and c are integers.

y = (x - (5/2 + √3))(x - (5/2 - √3))

y = ((x - 5/2)^2 - 3)
y = x^2 - 5x + 13/4
y = 4x^2 - 20x + 13

To form a quadratic equation with the given roots, we can use the fact that if a quadratic equation has roots α and β, then the equation can be written as:

(x - α)(x - β) = 0

In this case, the roots are 2.5 + √3 and 2.5 - √3. So, we have:

(x - (2.5 + √3))(x - (2.5 - √3)) = 0

Expanding this equation gives us:

(x - 2.5 - √3)(x - 2.5 + √3) = 0

Now, we can simplify the equation further using the difference of two squares:

[(x - 2.5) - √3][(x - 2.5) + √3] = 0

Using the difference of two squares formula (a^2 - b^2 = (a + b)(a - b)), we can rewrite the equation as:

[(x - 2.5)^2 - (√3)^2] = 0

(x - 2.5)^2 - 3 = 0

Expanding the square gives:

x^2 - 5x + 6.25 - 3 = 0

Finally, combining like terms, we get the quadratic equation in the required form:

x^2 - 5x + 3.25 = 0

Multiplying the equation by 4 to get rid of decimals, we multiply all terms by 4:

4x^2 - 20x + 13 = 0

Therefore, the quadratic equation with roots 2.5 + √3 and 2.5 - √3 is:

4x^2 - 20x + 13 = 0