Can these measurements make a Triangle? 13 cm, 16 cm , 19 cm

Can these measurements make a Triangle? 13 cm, 16 cm , 19 cm

Can these measurements make a Triangle? 8 inches, 3 inches , 4 inches

given three sides a,b,c in order of increasing length, you can make a triangle if and only if

b-a < c < b+a

To determine if these measurements can make a triangle, we need to check if the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side for all three combinations.

Let's check:

1. 13 cm + 16 cm = 29 cm (greater than 19 cm) - Yes
2. 13 cm + 19 cm = 32 cm (greater than 16 cm) - Yes
3. 16 cm + 19 cm = 35 cm (greater than 13 cm) - Yes

Since in all three combinations the sum of two sides is greater than the third side, these measurements can form a triangle.