If a motor has a speed of 1,627 3/4 revolutions per second, how many revolutions will it make in 11/15 second?

11/15 * 1627 3/4 = _____

Well, let's do some math and try not to spin out of control here. If the motor has a speed of 1,627 3/4 revolutions per second, we need to find out how many revolutions it will make in 11/15 of a second.

To calculate this, we can set up a proportion. On one side, we have 1,627 3/4 revolutions per second, and on the other side, we have x revolutions per 11/15 of a second.

Now, to cross multiply and solve, we can use a little trickery. Since we're dealing with fractions and decimals, we'll convert 11/15 to a decimal by dividing 11 by 15 to get 0.7333333333333... (you can round it as needed).

Now, let's cross multiply:

(1,627.75 revolutions per second) * (11/15 seconds) = (x revolutions)

To solve for x, we divide both sides by 11/15:

(x revolutions) = (1,627.75 revolutions per second) * (11/15 seconds)

Now, multiply 1,627.75 by 11 and divide by 15:

(x revolutions) ≈ 1,196.22 revolutions

So, the motor will make approximately 1,196.22 revolutions in 11/15 of a second.

That's quite a spin! I hope the motor doesn't get dizzy.

To find the number of revolutions the motor will make in 11/15 second, we can multiply the speed (1,627 3/4) by the time (11/15).

Step 1: Convert 1,627 3/4 to an improper fraction:
1,627 = 1 * 4 + 3 = 6,508/4
So, the speed is 6,508/4 revolutions per second.

Step 2: Multiply the speed by the time:
(6,508/4) * (11/15)

Step 3: Simplify the fraction:

6,508 * 11 / (4 * 15)
71,588 / 60
Now, we can simplify this fraction.
71,588 ÷ 4 = 17,897

So, the motor will make 17,897/60 revolutions in 11/15 second.

To find the number of revolutions a motor will make in 11/15 seconds, we can use the unitary method.

Step 1: Determine the number of revolutions in 1 second
Given that the motor has a speed of 1,627 3/4 revolutions per second, we need to find the number of revolutions it makes in 1 second.

To convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction:
1 * 4 = 4
4 + 3 = 7

So, the motor makes 1,627 3/4 = 1,627 + 7/4 = 1,634/4 = 408.5 revolutions in 1 second.

Step 2: Find the number of revolutions in 11/15 second
Now that we know the number of revolutions in 1 second, we can find the number of revolutions in 11/15 seconds.

To do this, we will use the formula: Number of revolutions = Speed × Time.

Number of revolutions = (1,627 3/4 revolutions per second) × (11/15 seconds).

To multiply mixed fractions, first convert them to improper fractions:
11/15 = 11/15

Multiply the fractions:
408.5 revolutions/second × 11/15 seconds = (408.5 × 11)/(1 × 15) revolutions = 4,493.5/15 revolutions.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction (if required)
To simplify the fraction, we divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD):

GCD(4,493.5, 15) = 0.5

Dividing the numerator and denominator by 0.5 yields:
4,493.5/15 ÷ 0.5/0.5 = (4,493.5 ÷ 0.5)/(15 ÷ 0.5) = 8,987/30 revolutions.

Therefore, the motor will make 8,987/30 revolutions in 11/15 of a second.