Read this excerpt from A Black Hole is NOT a Hole.

As you take off, remember: predicting the exact details of your journey is tricky. After all, no one has ever visited a black hole, and we can’t send a probe in to take a peek and send the information back to us. Not even sneak previews can escape from a black hole.
What is the author doing by using the phrase "Not even sneak previews can escape from a black hole"?
A. defining space travel*** my answer
B. describing the history of astronomy
C. defining a black hole
D. describing the purpose of a probe

You should NEVER put anything here from a TIMED assignment or test.


Thankyou, I just got that wrong and got a low grade :(

The correct answer is C. defining a black hole. The author uses the phrase "Not even sneak previews can escape from a black hole" to emphasize the extraordinary and extreme nature of black holes. They are implying that nothing, not even information in the form of "sneak previews," can escape from a black hole. This serves to highlight one of the defining characteristics of a black hole, which is its strong gravitational pull that traps everything, including light, within its event horizon.


thx i got a 50