a disk of radius 25 cm spinning at a rate of 30 rpm slows to a stop over 3 seconds. what is the angular acceleration?

b. how many radians did the disk turn while stopping?
c. how many revolutions?​

To find the angular acceleration, you need to use the formula:

Angular Acceleration (α) = Change in Angular Velocity (Δω) / Time (t)

Given that the disk is spinning at a rate of 30 rpm and slows to a stop over 3 seconds, we can calculate the change in angular velocity:

Change in Angular Velocity (Δω) = Final Angular Velocity (ωf) - Initial Angular Velocity (ωi)

Since the disk slows to a stop, the final angular velocity is 0, and the initial angular velocity can be calculated as follows:

Initial Angular Velocity (ωi) = Initial Speed / Radius

The initial speed can be calculated using the formula:

Initial Speed = Initial Angular Velocity (ωi) * Radius

Now, let's substitute the given values into the equations:

Initial Speed = 30 rpm * (2π rad/min) * 25 cm = 30 * 2π * 25 cm/min

Initial Angular Velocity (ωi) = (30 * 2π * 25 cm/min) / 25 cm = 30 * 2π cm/min

Change in Angular Velocity (Δω) = 0 - (30 * 2π cm/min)

Finally, we can find the angular acceleration:

Angular Acceleration (α) = (0 - (30 * 2π cm/min)) / 3 sec

For part b, to find the number of radians the disk turns while stopping, we can use the formula:

Angular Displacement (θ) = Initial Angular Velocity (ωi) * Time (t) + 0.5 * Angular Acceleration (α) * Time (t)^2

Substituting the given values:

Angular Displacement (θ) = (30 * 2π cm/min) * 3 sec + 0.5 * ((0 - (30 * 2π cm/min)) / 3 sec) * (3 sec)^2

Finally, to convert the angular displacement from radians to revolutions, we use the conversion factor:

1 revolution = 2π radians

Thus, for part c, you can convert the angular displacement in radians to revolutions by dividing it by 2π radians.