Diane bought 72 inches of ribbon.

How many yards of ribbon did Diane buy?

there are 36 inches in a yard, so 36 +36= 72. Diane bought 2 yards of ribbon.

To convert inches to yards, divide the number of inches by 36, since there are 36 inches in a yard.

In this case, Diane bought 72 inches of ribbon.

So, to find how many yards she bought, divide 72 by 36.

72 inches / 36 = 2 yards

Therefore, Diane bought 2 yards of ribbon.

To convert inches to yards, we need to know that there are 36 inches in a yard. So to find out how many yards of ribbon Diane bought, we can divide the total number of inches (72) by the number of inches in a yard (36). Let me do the math for you.

72 inches / 36 inches/yard = 2 yards

Therefore, Diane bought 2 yards of ribbon.

1 yd = 36 inches

72 / 36 = ?