Which natural explanation (as of February 2021) has been forwarded about the Oumuamua object? A) A miniture black hole B) An object from a protoplanetary disk (i.e., planetesimal) to be extraordinarily porous C) A photonic object associated with a new generation of physics D) A hydrogen / nitrogen ice fragment, perhaps arising from collisions occurring on Pluto-like (or Triton-like) worlds

As of February 2021, the most commonly discussed natural explanation for the Oumuamua object is option D) A hydrogen/nitrogen ice fragment, perhaps arising from collisions occurring on Pluto-like (or Triton-like) worlds.

This explanation suggests that Oumuamua could be a fragment of frozen gases, specifically hydrogen and nitrogen, that broke off from a larger object located in the outer regions of a planetary system similar to Pluto or Triton. These collisions could have resulted in the ejection of fragments into interstellar space, with Oumuamua being one of them.

It is important to note that Oumuamua's identification and characteristics are still not fully understood, and scientists continue to explore various possibilities. Therefore, this explanation, like others, is speculative and subject to further investigation and analysis.