Name and explain in detail Four organizations /agencies that work to address human right violations

Sure! Here are four organizations/agencies that work to address human rights violations:

1. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC): The UNHRC is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world. It consists of 47 member states elected by the UN General Assembly. The UNHRC investigates and reports on human rights violations, provides technical assistance to governments, conducts fact-finding missions, and facilitates dialogue to address human rights issues.

To explore the work of UNHRC:
- Visit the official UNHRC website (
- Access their reports and resolutions on human rights issues
- Follow their sessions and discussions on their official YouTube channel (

2. Amnesty International: Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to promoting human rights globally. They conduct research, raise awareness, and mobilize public opinion to take action against human rights abuses. Amnesty International campaigns for the release of prisoners of conscience, advocates for the abolition of the death penalty, and works to end torture, discrimination, and the protection of human rights defenders.

To learn more about Amnesty International:
- Visit their official website (
- Explore their reports and publications on human rights violations
- Get involved in their campaigns or become a member to support their cause

3. Human Rights Watch (HRW): HRW is an international NGO that investigates and reports on human rights abuses worldwide. They conduct in-depth research, document violations, and advocate for change through various channels, such as media engagement, lobbying, and legal advocacy. HRW focuses on issues like freedom of expression, discrimination, sexual violence, and government accountability.

To access Human Rights Watch resources and information:
- Visit their official website (
- Explore their publications, reports, and briefings on human rights issues
- Follow their news updates and social media channels for real-time information

4. International Criminal Court (ICC): The ICC is a permanent international tribunal established to investigate, prosecute, and bring to justice individuals responsible for the most serious crimes against humanity, such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. It functions as a court of last resort when national judicial systems are unable or unwilling to address these crimes.

To learn more about the International Criminal Court:
- Visit their official website (
- Access their reports, case summaries, and judgments
- Stay updated with their press releases and news updates

These organizations/agencies play crucial roles in addressing human rights violations, advocating for change, and holding perpetrators accountable. It is worth exploring their websites and resources for a deeper understanding of their work and the human rights issues they address.