If you roll a 6 sided die 12 times, what is the best prediction possible for the number of times you will roll a 4. (Hit use proportional reasoning.

If you roll a 6-sided die 12 times, what is the best prediction possible for the number of times you will roll an odd number?

If you roll a 6-sided die 12 times, what is the best prediction possible for the number of times you will roll an odd number?

To find the best prediction possible for the number of times you will roll a 4 when rolling a 6-sided die 12 times, we can use proportional reasoning.

First, we need to calculate the probability of rolling a 4 on a single roll. Since a standard 6-sided die has 6 possible outcomes (numbers 1 to 6) and only 1 of those outcomes is a 4, the probability of rolling a 4 on a single roll is 1/6.

Next, we can use this probability to estimate the expected number of times you will roll a 4 when rolling the die 12 times. With proportional reasoning, we can multiply the probability of rolling a 4 on a single roll (1/6) by the number of rolls (12):

Expected number of 4s = Probability of rolling a 4 × Number of rolls
Expected number of 4s = (1/6) × 12

Calculating this, we find that the best prediction for the number of times you will roll a 4 is 2.

2 times. 12 / (divided by) 6 = 2